Easter Hols
Dear Parents and Carers,
Thank you so much for all the hard work you have been putting in. The children seem to be really enjoying home schooling and I have received wonderful work. I know it is the Easter holidays but also appreciate that, with everyone cooped up, it may sometimes be helpful to have a couple of tasks in hand should you feel that they need some direction. For this reason, I have set some simple maths and literacy 2Dos on Purple Mash including:
- Fraction Pizzeria – to revise their cocktail work.
- Sequence Snake – to consolidate counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s.
- 2Race – I have tagged addition and subtraction and comparing numbers up to 20 and then to 100. Obviously let your child guide you as to which they wish to do.
- 2Create a story – I would like the children to research the Easter story and create their own animation story board. There are three levels which allow them to write their own simple sentences and draw pictures. The more advanced levels allows them to add animations and their own sound effects.
They may also wish to research a particular country as our topic next term is Gardens of the World. Duolingo currently have many free activities to learn basic words in the language chosen. The children could learn words, find out about the food, culture, religion, etc and compare similarities and differences to their own experiences. They may wish to cook foods from that country, look at a famous person from there or research the type of art, architecture, clothing etc. It really is open to any sort of interpretation.
Any of the games that they have enjoyed playing should be revisited regularly to maintain and consolidate their learning so do go back and do them as often as they wish.
Please note, it is the holidays and none of these tasks are compulsory if you do not wish to do them and would prefer to just enjoy time as a family.
Please feel free to email me any work, adventures or news that they wish to share during the holidays as I will check my emails daily.
Wishing you all a very Happy Easter and my thoughts and prayers are always with you.
Kindest regards
Sarah Santry