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29th June

This week please send me:

- Your Book Review

- Something you are proud of.




We are starting our new books this term. They have been designed to ensure the children have the best opportunity to cover all areas of the curriculum before the summer holidays.

Please follow the sessions I have laid out and only complete the tasks I set. If you finish it quickly, then feel free to use the extension tasks and then, if you would like, find further sessions on BBC bitesize; or National Oak Academy.




Main Task

Make sure you have a go at the “Discover” page first, before looking through the “Share” which explains the process.


(Optional challenge)

Lesson 1

Understanding Thousandths Pages 72 - 75

Watch this video to help:

Thousandths Reasoning Sheet


Answers in the document.

Lesson 2

Rounding Decimals Pages 76 - 79

Watch this video to help:

Rounding Decimals Challenge


Answers in the document.

Lesson 3

Ordering and Comparing Decimals Pages 80 - 83

Watch this video to help:

Compare and Order Decimals Challenge


Answers in the document

Lesson 4

Understanding Percentages Pages 84 - 87

Watch this video to help:

Understanding Percentages Challenge


Answers in the document


Answers are at the back of the maths books.


This week’s English is based around the end of the Purple Mash book “The lost Myth of Mathos”.

You will need to access Purple Mash to complete all of the tasks.

Session 1




Purple Mash 2Do – The Lost Myth of Mathos

Read chapter 5 and complete the multiple choice comprehension.

Complete the sequencing task in the resources folder.

Challenge: Open ended question sheet in resources folder

Make sure you answer these in full sentences that include the question.

SPAG – LMO Mathos_Chapter5_SPaG

PDF in the resource folder.

Session 2

Purple Mash 2Do – The Lost Myth of Mathos – Character Comparison

Complete the 2Do comparing the two characters.

In the top box, write down the information you know about Mathos.

In the bottom box, write down the information you know about Sariena.

In the middle box, write down the information that applies to both characters.


Session 3




Purple Mash 2Do – The Lost Myth of Mathos

Read chapter 6 and complete the multiple choice comprehension.

Complete the sequencing task in the resources folder.

Challenge: Open ended question sheet in resources folder

Make sure you answer these in full sentences that include the question.

SPAG – LMO Mathos_Chapter6_SPaG

PDF in the resource folder.

Session 4


Book Review – Lost Myth of Mathos

Choose one of the templates (or design your own) and write a review of the book we have just finished.

Think about your rating and how that is affected by the various areas of the review. If you liked it, make sure you explain why but don’t give away SPOILERS!

Be clear and confident in your opinion and think about what made you like/dislike the book.




 Enrichment subjects


2 week project

Create a Greek Theatre Mask

Look through the PowerPoint and learn about how Greek actors used masks to show gender and emotion.


Design four potential masks on the planning sheet. Then choose your design you want to create and design it with detail and label your ideas/construction notes.


Over the next two weeks, create your masks using paper mache, folded paper, or scrap from your recycling bin.


Next week we will evaluate our creations so take your time.


Homes- helping at home (1) & (2)


Follow the link and then, in the grey box:

  •  select the topic as: Homes – helping at home (1) & (2)
  • Select Activity as: Lesson
  • Click “Let’s go Learn”
  • Click “Full Tutorial”
  • Follow the instructions.

You can play games after you have learned the words.



2Do’s on Purple Mash



BBC dance mat typing -


Ancient Greeks – Gods and Goddesses

Read through the PowerPoint, learning about a range of Gods and Goddesses from the Ancient Greek times.


Create a factfile about some of the Gods and/or Goddesses.

CHALLENGE – create a factfile about a God or Goddess not listed in the PowerPoint.


All Living Things – Classification

Classifying Species

Read the instructions page first then complete the tasks described.

Record your findings in the worksheet provided.




Pick a dance and have a go.

Other Options

Cosmic Kids Yoga – search YouTube

Joe Wicks – daily PE lesson on YouTube




There were 30 cows in a field and 28 chickens. How many did not?




What kind of room has no windows and no doors?

A mushROOM

 Also please remember to:

  • Read EVERY day. I suggest at least 35minutes and that should include reading aloud.
  • Exercise regularly – dog-walks, trampolining, bike rides or creating your own dances are all vital!
  • Practice and revise spellings –working from the whole term list I sent at the start of term.
  • Talk and be open with each other. This could be a very tricky time and I want you all to be happy and healthy when I next see you. Make sure you don’t bottle too much up and you talk if you have any concerns.

Watch the news (optional) Espresso or BBC Newsround are great ways of seeing what is going on.