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27th April




This is an essential part of how children learn and something that is a big part of your child’s learning in Hedgehogs. We therefore want this to continue at home 😊.




Phase 3 Phonic sounds of the week -


ow, oi

  • cow and soil


Espresso- found on class page on website


Mr Thorne does phonics- online videos showing sound pronunciation (search YouTube)

Downloadable app available, this is £2.99 but an option if you prefer.


Phonics play website- lots of different phonic based games




Ideally 10 mins each day but see how you go.


Oxford owl website- sign up to access free E books for the children to read


How to teach a monster to read app

Big cats reading scheme


Practise reading phase 3 tricky words-

He, she, we, me, be, you, all

  • word hunt in the garden/house
  • Throw a ball/bean bag onto different words and say word




Can you help organise a picnic/lunch in your garden/ house for your family. What do you need for your picnic?


Please can you write an invitation to your family to come to your picnic. How many invitations do you need? Can you try and independently write ‘To’ thinking about our tricky words?


Can you write a menu for your picnic? What food will you be serving?


Don’t worry if it is not the correct spelling, you can then model this after they have had a go. It is important for the children to have a go first and practise their phonic skills.



Follow the link to National Oak Academy. Click Online Classroom, Schedule, Reception, Week 2.


Complete daily videos or do a couple a day if that suits you.


Extra Maths Work Book optional

Pages 4-5





Can you make any decorations to make your picnic/ lunch special?


Can you find any natural resources from your garden/walk to decorate your picnic/lunch?


Paint brushes and water in your garden - patio, drive way, fence

  • what patterns can you make?
  • Can you write your name?
  • Can you write different CVC words


Please continue to take photos of the completed activities and add them to tapestry so we can still join your child on the learning journey