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16th April

Hello Rabbit Class!

I hope you had a lovely break and have still got some chocolate left!! Although we all still have to stay at home to stay safe you can set yourself a learning target.

This is the start of a new term so like in school, I want you to think about what you want to get better at this term. Then write it down and put it somewhere safe and at half term you can check it. If you are unsure about how you can improve just email me and I will send you some ideas. This term I will be asking you to send me a photo of a task every week.


This is the overview for the next few weeks

  • Power Maths Book to consolidate number work
  • Shape and space.
  • Regular practice on number bonds and times tables


  • Rules for Plurals
  • Pronouns           Proper nouns and common nouns
  • BIG CAT Reading to work towards being a free reader
  • Creative Writing Saint George
  • Focus edit work for spelling and better vocabulary


            Finish Ancient Egypt topic

  • Who was Tutankhamun?                                                                                                       Why was he so important? (inside the tomb, Howard Carter)


  • PLANTS parts of plant and their functions


  • ICT you are all improving but you should learn how to type quickly


  • How to stay safe online especially at the moment with lots of online tasks.


  • Observational drawings and sketching


  • Regular Exercise with your family


  • Personal Project choose something that interests you and start planning how to present it. You can bring it to school on first day back.


Here are your tasks for this week 16.4.20 and for start of next week


          It is the first 2 days of the school term so a short working week for you.

Please try and complete the Literacy and Numeracy tasks on time