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15th June

Owl Class Home Learning Week Beginning 15.06.20-20.06.20

Time for another week of home learning!


Please spend some time over the week practising your weekly spellings. There is an attached PowerPoint Presentation that goes through the spelling rule and gives you a chance to practise.

The weekly spellings for this week are:

Spelling Rule: Words with the suffix ‘ous’ (words ending in ‘e’, drog the ‘e’ but not ‘ae’)

Group 1

Group 2

Group 3





























Lesson 1: Perimeter of rectilinear shapes (pages 28-29)

Video lesson:

Lesson 2: Counting squares (pages 32- 35)

Video lesson:

Lesson 3: Tenths and hundredths (pages 36-39)

Video lesson:

Optional challenge activity- Area

There are two challenges to try if you’d like to. The answers are provided.


Task 1: Spellings
Practise your weekly spellings and use the PowerPoint to help you. Can you write definitions for your spellings? Some of them are a bit tricky!

Task 2: SPaG- Pronouns

This week we are going to look at pronouns. A pronoun is a word that replaces a noun, and it helps stops our writing becoming too repetitive. For example, instead of saying ‘Miss Steyn hasn’t seen Owl Class for many weeks now. Miss Steyn misses Owl Class terribly. Miss Steyn hopes she will see Owl Class soon’ it would be better to say ‘Miss Steyn hasn’t seen Owl Class for many weeks now. She misses them terribly. She hopes she will see them soon’. Watch this video to find out more about pronouns: Have a look at the PowerPoint presentation and see if you can answer the questions as you go. There are them some worksheets for you to have a go at. There are three sheets in total. You do not have to do all three sheets. The first one is easier, the second slightly harder and the third one more of a challenge. Choose the sheet that is most appropriate for you. The answers are provided.

Task 3: Reading Comprehension

Please complete the reading comprehension on Treasure House.

Task 4: Creative Writing-

Watch this short film called 5 Metres 80 (High Diving Giraffes). It is an animated film that shows a group of giraffes taking turns diving into an Olympic-sized swimming pool! I would like you to imagine you are one of those giraffes, but you are feeling really nervous and scared. Can you describe what’s going through your mind as you stand in line waiting for it to be your turn. Then it’s finally your turn and you have to run up and jump! How do you feel as you hit the water? How do you feel when it’s all over and you’re out of the pool? I’d like you to use LOTS of show-not-tell in your writing. Remember, this means rather than just telling the reader you’re feeling nervous , for example, you think about ways you can show that you are (I.e. my legs wobbled and shook as I waited my turn). I can’t wait to read them!

Other tasks

Science- Investigating gases (Fizzy drink investigation!)

Go through the Lesson PowerPoint. This week, you are going to become scientists and you are going to carry out an investigation. You will need to get hold of 3-5 different bottles of fizzy drink. It doesn’t matter what size you get, but they all need to be the same size! On the table on the sheet, you will write the name of the drink (i.e. Fanta) and then record the weight of the fizzy drink while the drink inside is still fizzy (place the bottle on some scales and record the weight shown in grams). Allow the drink to go flat. You can do this by taking the lid off the bottle and leaving it for a few days. Once the drink is flat, weigh the bottle again. Record this weight on the table. Then, to work out the weight of the carbon dioxide you find the difference between the two weights. Which fizzy drink has the most carbon dioxide in? Fill out the sheet to show your results. You could also complete this investigation by pouring the fizzy drinks into a glass and weighing it while it’s fizzy. Then leave the drink to go flat, and weight again. Just make sure it is still a fair test! If you can’t get hold of bottles of fizzy drinks, watch the video of me completing the investigation myself. You can still fill out the sheet and the table of results.
Link to video:

Topic- Shelters in WW2

We have already had a think about the ways in which people protected themselves during air raids. This week, I want you to think about the different types of shelter that were available (Anderson shelter, Morrison shelter and Public shelter) and the pros and cons of each. Find out a bit more information about each type of shelter. Then on the Pros and Cons sheet you need to describe each type and think about the advantages and disadvantages of it.

RE- Hinduism

This term in RE, we are going to look at Hinduism. There is a PowerPoint to have a look at which introduces you to Hinduism. There is also a video to watch which is linked in the PowerPoint. Look at the PowerPoint and watch the video before completing the ‘Introduction to Hinduism’ activity sheet. There is a bit more information to read about Hinduism on this sheet and then there are some tasks to complete. These can be completed in your lined book or typed up if you’d prefer.

Reading with Miss Steyn
For our next book, I have chosen to read you one of my favourite stories. We are going to read Matilda by Roald Dahl. I hope you enjoy!

1. The reader of books:

2. Mr Wormwood, the great car dealer:

3. The hat and the superglue:

4. The ghost:

5. Arithmetic:

Purple Mash

There will be some activities for you to complete on Purple Mash. Log in and go to ‘2Dos’ and complete the tasks that have been set. I will be able to see how you got on once you’ve finished.

Physical Activity
Make some sort of target throwing game. You could use an empty box and find something to throw into it, such as a sponge or a rolled-up pair of socks. Try standing in different places and at different distances to see if you can make the target!

Make sure you try and get outside for a little bit each day. Go on a morning walk or do some exercises in your garden. Fresh air is really important!

Don’t forget to spend some time every day reading and practising your times tables. You can complete the Daily 10 everyday too

If you’d like to continue keeping up to date with the news, watch the daily and weekly news on Espresso (weekly news updated every Thursday). Newsround is also another good one to look at

Have another great week of home learning everyone.

Speak to you soon,

Miss Steyn

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