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1st June


This week please send me:

- A copy of your storm poem.

- Something you’re proud of.




We are starting our new books this term. They have been designed to ensure the children have the best opportunity to cover all areas of the curriculum before the summer holidays.

Please follow the sessions I have laid out and only complete the tasks I set. If you finish it quickly, then feel free to use the extension tasks and then, if you would like, find further sessions on BBC bitesize; or National Oak Academy.

Week 1 we are revising multiplication, division, perimeter and area, which we briefly covered in class. For some this revision will be like new learning and for others it will be quite straightforward. Please, however, use this week as an opportunity to get to grips with how the new book looks and works.




Main Task

Make sure you have a go at the “Discover” page first, before looking through the “Share” which explains the process.


(Optional challenge)

Lesson 1

Multiplying 2-digit numbers (1) - Pages 4-7

Watch this video to help guide your session:


Eva says, “To multiply 23 by 57 I just need to multiply 20 by 50 and 3 by 7 and add up the answers.”

What mistake has Eva made? Explain your answer.

Lesson 2

Multiplying 2-digit numbers (2) - Pages 8-11

Watch this video to help guide your session:


Farmer Ron has a field that measures 53 m long and 25 m wide. Farmer Annie has a field that measures 52 m long and 26 m wide. Dora thinks that they will have the same area because the numbers have only changed by one digit each. Do you agree? Prove it.

Lesson 3

Division with Remainders - Pages 12-15

Watch this video to help guide your session:


I am thinking of a 3-digit number.

  • When it is divided by 9, the

remainder is 3

  • When it is divided by 2, the remainder is 1
  • When it is divided by 5, the remainder is 4
  • The first digit is a factor of the third digit.

What could my number be? Prove it.

Lesson 4

Calculating Perimeter + Calculating Area

- Pages 16-23

(This could be split over 2 days or completed in one extended session)

Watch this video to help guide your session:



Pirate Island Challenge


Answers should be at the back of the maths books.


This week’s English is based around the Purple Mash book “The lost Myth of Mathos”.

You will need to access Purple Mash to complete some of the tasks.

Session 1




Purple Mash 2Do – The Lost Myth of Mathos

Read Chapter 1 and complete the Comprehension task (Set as 2Dos)

Challenge: Complete the Sequencing task (needs to be printed)

SPAG – LMO Mathos_Chapter1_SPaG

Worksheet saved in the folder, also available on Purple Mash

Session 2

Storm Poem - Planning

This week I want you to write a poem about a storm, as experienced in The Lost Myth of Mathos (LMOM).

In this session, listen to these links (you don’t have to listen all the way through!):
Write down the sounds, sights and sensations that describe storms. You only need to jot down words and short phrases. You are not writing a story!

Use a thesaurus and record a huge range of vocabulary (you could include a list of synonyms and then choose the best one when writing the poem).

Record what you have experienced during a storm in the past, how you felt, what you did etc.

Use the planning sheets to create a vocabulary bank ready for tomorrow.

Session 3

Storm Poem - Writing

Using yesterday’s planning sheet (feel free to add ideas as you go) write a poem titled “STORM”. Use the PowerPoint to guide your writing.


  • Consistent rhyming pattern (AABB; ABAB; ABBA; etc)
  • Consistent number of syllables per line or consistent syllable pattern
  • 4 lines per stanza (verse)
  • 3-5 stanzas
  • Strong vocabulary choices (Thesaurus)


  • Narrative – tell the story of a person travelling through the storm

Still writing a poem but with added information (think about when we studied The Highwayman)

Remember this is your first draft. It is ok to cross things out and move them around. You are allowed to vary away from your original idea. No-one has to see the first draft except you, so there is nothing wrong with taking a few risks.

Session 4

Storm Poem – Editing and Publishing

Reread what you wrote yesterday. Spend a few minutes reading it aloud and varying how it sounds. If there is a part you stumble on, try to find a way of changing it. If a word doesn’t feel right, change it. Remember this is your draft and it doesn’t have to be tidy, but it does have to readable.

Once you are happy with the layout, vocabulary choices and flow; rewrite the poem in your best handwriting and decorate it.




Week 8 – Enrichment subjects


Greek Art

Watch this video up to 5:14 (you can watch further but we are focussing on the Greeks not the Romans).

This week we are going to be focussing on the geometric period in Greek art.

Use the worksheet to practice continuous and equal patterns. Design the plate at the bottom using those, or original, patterns.

Next week we’ll move to the Archaic Period.


Family – my siblings


Follow the link and then, in the grey box:

  •  select the topic as: Family – my siblings
  • Select Activity as: Lesson
  • Click “Let’s go Learn”
  • Click “Full Tutorial”
  • Follow the instructions.

You can play games after you have learned the words.



2Do’s on Purple Mash



BBC dance mat typing -


Who were the Ancient Greeks?


Go through the PowerPoint and complete the tasks as you go.



Watch the videos:


Then have a go at making your own gears using cardboard and the “Making gears” sheet.

Try to make gears out of other recycling you have in the house.

You could do a gear scavenger hunt. Take photos of the different gears you can see and make a collage in your books.


We would be practicing throwing and catching at school to develop cricket skills. So try using a tennis ball (or other soft ball) and throw it off a wall and try and catch it. Take a step back after each successful catch to increase the challenge.

Other Options

Cosmic Kids Yoga – search YouTube

Joe Wicks – daily PE lesson on YouTube


Could you build an obstacle course in your garden?

Play the floor is Lava

Create a game with rules that you can teach the class.

Develop skills within football, rugby, hockey or another sport.




What five letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?



I am young when I am tall and I am old when I am short. What am I?  Candle


Also please remember to:

  • Read EVERY day. I suggest at least 35minutes and that should include reading aloud.
  • Exercise regularly – dog-walks, trampolining, bike rides or creating your own dances are all vital!
  • Practice spellings – still working from the whole term list I sent at the start of term (another copy is attached)
  • Talk and be open with each other. This could be a very tricky time and I want you all to be happy and healthy when I next see you. Make sure you don’t bottle too much up and you talk if you have any concerns.

Watch the news (optional) Espresso or BBC Newsround are great ways of seeing what is going on.