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30th March

Owl Class Home Learning Week Beginning 30.3.20-31.3.20


I am not setting you any new tasks to complete during these two days before the Easter Holidays. Please continue to work through the below tasks and ensure as many of them have been completed as possible.


Please DO NOT start any work in the Power Maths workbooks. I will be setting weekly work from these books as of the first week back after the holidays. It is important you don’t rush ahead as I will also set weekly challenges linked to the work that should’ve been completed in the week.


Thank you to everyone that has sent me work so far- it’s been great to see what you’ve been getting up to. It sounds like you’ve all been very busy and are enjoying learning from home J Thank you parents as well for being so enthusiastic!


I’d like to set a little challenge…. Who’s been completing Joe Wicks’ daily PE lessons? I have! They are quite challenging but a really good way of starting the day! I’d love for you to send me a selfie/picture of you (and your family if they are joining in!) either before or after the workout so I can create a PE display when we are back at school. You can also send me pictures of any exercise you are doing, whether that is a walk or a cycle or just something in your garden! I’d love to see it! I will, of course, be including my workout selfie too!!


A reminder of the weekly Spellings

Please spend some time over the week practising your weekly spellings. There is an attached PowerPoint Presentation that goes through the spelling rule and gives you a chance to practise.  I will also attach a word search that also practises the rule. The weekly spellings for this week are:


Spelling Rule:  Word families based on common words


Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

  • phone
  • phonics
  • microphone
  • telephone
  • homophone
  • real
  • reality
  • realistic
  • unreal
  • realisation
  • phone
  • phonics
  • microphone
  • telephone
  • homophone
  • real
  • reality
  • realistic
  • unreal
  • realisation


  • phone
  • phonics
  • microphone
  • telephone
  • homophone
  • real
  • reality
  • realistic
  • unreal
  • realisation


A reminder of the Maths tasks

Task 1: Play Coordinates Bingo ( I would click on either of the first two grids on the game (not the one with negative numbers!) We haven’t learnt about coordinates yet, but this is a fun game to help you begin learning! Remember ‘along the corridor, and up the stairs’, which means when your read coordinates you read along the bottom first, and then up the side.

Task 2 and 3: There will be a variety of fun coordinate tasks for you to have a go at. There is also a challenge that you could try! If you have any problems with any of these tasks, let me know and I will try and help you. All these tasks are meant to help you practise so don’t worry if you find them a bit tricky! Do as many as you can J

Task 4: Coordinates challenge!

There are two challenge tasks linked to coordinates that you can have a go at. The answers are there too so you can see how you’ve got on!


A reminder of the Literacy tasks

Task 1: Spellings
Practise your weekly spellings and use the PowerPoint to help you. Can you write some sentences in your exercise book that include your spelling words?

Task 2: SPaG- Expanded Noun Phrases

Go through the PowerPoint to practise expanded noun phrases. Find a picture online of a spooky house. In your exercise book, can you write some sentences to describe the spooky house that include expanded noun phrases?

Task 3: Reading Comprehension

Complete the reading comprehension activity on Treasure House.

Task 4: Creative Writing

Follow the link:

Watch the video ‘Something Fishy’. It is a video that shows a girl at a laundrette. She notices something unusual about one of the washing machines and when she looks further, she realises the washing machine is the entrance to some sort of fantasy underwater world where all the items of clothing have turned into ocean animals! This is an example of a story where an everyday object triggers a fantasy story. Can you write your own story using an everyday object as a trigger? Think about the real world setting and finding the trigger, the journey to the fantasy land (no matter how brief) and then arriving in the fantasy world. Can you use some expanded noun phrases in your writing when you are describing the fantasy land you end up in? Please send me photos/scan in (if you can) any pieces of writing and then email them to me. I can’t wait to read them! Remember to check your spellings and think about keeping your handwriting neat.

A reminder of the Other tasks



Continue with your Digestive System projects. Please send me any photos/email PowerPoints etc so I can see what you’ve been getting up to. They will be due in by the end of the day on Tuesday 31st March. If you have any problems sending me your project, email me and let me know.


Purple Mash

There will be some activities for you to complete on Purple Mash. Log in and go to ‘2Dos’ and complete the tasks that have been set. I will be able to see how you got on once you’ve finished.


Find a piece of fruit or a vegetable and have a go at sketching it. Think about using different techniques to create tone. How can you make your object look 3D? Send me a photo of your finished piece of art!


Physical Activity
Find a Cosmic Kids Yoga video to try on YouTube Can you get the other people in your family to join in too?!

Make sure you try and get outside for a little bit each day. Go on a morning walk or do some exercises in your garden. Fresh air is really important!


Don’t forget to spend some time every day reading and practising your times tables. You can complete the Daily 10 everyday too


You could also watch the Daily and Weekly news on Espresso (access this through the class page on the school website). The weekly news updates every Thursday. I think they will continue to update this during school closures, but if not Newsround is also a good way of keeping up with the news each day in a child-friendly way


Have a lovely Easter Break, make sure you don’t do any school work! Try and get outside in your garden as much as possible and try and go for a daily walk if you can.


Keep safe everyone and take care. ‘See’ you after Easter!

Miss Steyn J