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22nd June

Overview Term 6 Home/School learning week 22cnd – 26th  June


If you were using 6A  Summer Home Edition Year 6

Percentages p 52 - 64

Mark your own work


If you were using 6B

Summer Home Edition Year 6

Geometry and Statistics p 148 - 160

Mark your own work


If you were using 5A

Summer Home Edition Year 5

Week 4

Mark your own work



English (keep up your daily reading session of your own chosen text for at least 45 mins a day)

Lesson 1

 Chapter 16 mark your own work with a parent

Lesson 2

 Chapter 17 submit to Mrs LD

Lesson 3

Chapter 18 mark your own work with a parent

Lesson 4

Chapter 19 in learning resources submit to Mrs LD

Lesson 5

Chapter 20 in learning resources submit before Monday 29th June

Enrichment subjects


This term we will be continuing to study the classification of living things moving on to look at invertebrates


If you follow this link there is a lot of information about tarantulas. Lesson 4 in English this week is a study and drawing of tarantulas.


Coding and debug activities have been set as 2Do on Purple Mash


Remember daily exercise

Joe Wicks, the body coach, is launching sessions every morning at 9am live on his YouTube channel.


This term we will be studying the Ancient Mayan Civilisation.

Study this document and learn about Ancient Mayan Cities

Ancient Mayan cities 

Can you find some photos of what we think Mayan cities looked like? Upload them to our blog.



Remember to study the PowerPoint and complete the worksheets for Mrs Brooker


Research to find out what a Mayan City is thought to have looked like. How would you like to represent this – sculpture/sketching. Find a way to show your understanding of the Mayan City that you have chosen. Submit to Mrs LD by Monday 29th June.


Continue with The National Oak Academy or French games