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20th April





Owl Class Home Learning Week Beginning 20.4.20-24.4.20


Welcome to another week of home learning! I have come up with some different activities for you to have a go at this week. You should spread out the maths and literacy tasks across the week.



These spellings are continuing from last week. Please spend some time over the week practising your weekly spellings. There is an attached PowerPoint Presentation that goes through the spelling rule and gives you a chance to practise. The weekly spellings for this week are:


Spelling Rule: Words with the prefix ‘inter’


Group 1

Group 2

Group 3































You should all now have a ‘Power Maths Practice book’. Each week I am going to set some pages for you to complete over the week. Please stick to these pages each week and don’t rush ahead! I have provided answers should you need them. Task 4 will always be some kind of challenge activity based on the work you have completed in the workbook (where possible).

Task 1: Play ‘Rocket Rounding’ on Topmarks (make sure Flash is enabled!)

You can choose whether you’d like a number line to help you. Then choose which level you want to have a go at. Any level is fine, apart from don’t do ‘up to 9.9 to the nearest whole number’ because we haven’t covered that yet. This is an interactive game that will help you practise rounding, ready for Task 2, 3 and 4 later in the week!

Task 2: Complete Rounding to the nearest 10 in the workbook (pages 9-11)

Task 3: Complete Rounding to the nearest 100 in the workbook (pages 12-14)

Task 4: Have a go at the Rounding to the nearest 10 challenges.

There are two challenges to have a go at (please try and do at least one). The answers are provided! You can record your workings/answers in the squared maths book.


We have covered this in class already (although right at the start of Year 4) so it should be more revision for the children and therefore they should be able to access it fairly independently. I have provided a Maths Support PowerPoint which can be used for extra support/practise if you feel your child needs it. If there are any problems, please email me.



Task 1: Spellings (continuing from last week)
Practise your weekly spellings and use the PowerPoint to help you. Can you write a definition for each of your spelling words? How can you find out what a word means if you’re not sure? Some of them are a bit tricky! If you find it too tricky to write a definition, have a go at putting the words into sentences as this will help you understand what they mean. I have also given you a word search that you could use to help you.

Task 2: SPaG- Apostrophes

Go through the PowerPoint to practise apostrophes. We have already learnt about apostrophes and we have spoken about the different ways we can use an apostrophe. We know we can use an apostrophe for a contraction (i.e. couldn’t, wouldn’t, didn’t etc) and we know we can use them to show possession. This video explains possessive apostrophes a bit more

Complete the possessive apostrophe activity (answers provided!). Can you make up any of your own?

Task 3: Reading Comprehension

Complete the new reading comprehension activity on Treasure House.

Task 4: Creative Writing

Write me a letter to tell me what you have been up to since the last time I saw you. How have your first few weeks of home learning been? What are you missing about school? Are there any questions you would like to ask me? I’d like you to have a go at writing this letter in your book first, and then I’d like you to type it up and email it to me ( This will give you a chance to practise both your writing skills and your typing skills! It’s also an easy way for me to read your letters and I will be able to reply to you. I really look forward to hearing from you! Please attach any pictures as I’m missing you all! J

Other tasks


Our new topic for this term is The Second World War. It is my favourite topic in year 4! Look at the PowerPoint which explains when and why The Second World War started. You will also look at the events of World War 2 on a timeline and think about who the main Allied and Axis powers were. There are some tasks to complete to go with this PowerPoint

Task 1: The Outbreak of War
Complete the sentences using what you’ve learnt on the PowerPoint. You can either do this on the sheet or copy the sentences into your book. Think about keeping your handwriting really neat!

Task 2: WW2 Timeline Sheet
Cut out the cards and arrange them on the timeline. Use the dates to help you! There will be some left over space on the timeline where you can add your own information if you’d like to (if not, just leave them blank!). If you’d prefer to hand-write this/make your own/present it in an exciting way then go for it!

Task 3: WW2 Colouring Map
Find and label Great Britain, Germany, Japan, France, Italy and Poland on the map. Colour in the Allied powers in one colour and the Axis Powers in another.

PSHE- Online safety

With children spending more time inside at the moment, it is likely they will also be spending more time than normal online. Therefore, it is really important children are reminded about the importance of staying safe and staying kind when they are online. Follow the lesson outline and use the PowerPoint when needed. This lesson is all about being a good digital citizen. There are two activities for you to have a go at.


Purple Mash

There will be some activities for you to complete on Purple Mash (continuing from last week). Log in and go to ‘2Dos’ and complete the tasks that have been set. I will be able to see how you got on once you’ve finished.


Physical Activity
Each morning at 9am, Joe Wicks (The Body Coach) is doing a live 30 minute P.E. Lesson on his YouTube Channel Can you try and do this each morning? What a great way to start the day! I wonder if you can get the rest of your family involved too? Don’t forget to send me any pictures/selfies of you before or after the workout for my display!

If you like dancing and singing, you could try and learn this song and dance which is linked to our maths learning this week!

Make sure you try and get outside for a little bit each day. Go on a morning walk or do some exercises in your garden. Fresh air is really important!


Reading with Miss Steyn!

This is the first week of videos where I will be sharing a story with you all, just like we normally would at school! I have chosen to read ‘The Day We Met The Queen’ as our first book. This is by Onjali Q. Rauf and is the follow-on book after ‘The Boy at the Back of the Class’. We enjoyed reading ‘The Boy at the Back of the Class’ together so hopefully we will enjoy this one too! If you click on the links, it will take you to a video on my YouTube channel. I have made 4 videos for this week (each about 15 minutes long) so you can spread them out over the week, perhaps one each day. Just make sure you watch them in the right order! I hope you enjoy- I’m quite nervous about this! J

  1. Chapter 1:
  2. Chapter 2:
  3. Chapter 3:
  4. Chapter 4:


Don’t forget to spend some time every day reading and practising your times tables. In case you haven’t seen, on our Owl Class page in the home learning section there is a tab that says ‘multiplication’. If you click on this tab it takes you to a page where children can practise their times tables. You can complete the Daily 10 everyday too


If you’d like to continue keeping up to date with the news, watch the daily and weekly news on Espresso (weekly news updated every Thursday). Newsround is also another good one to look at




Miss Steyn’s Brainteaser of the week:

What can be seen once in a minute, twice in a moment and never in a thousand years?


If you think you know, email me the answer!


Keep up the hard work everyone!


Speak to you soon,


Miss Steyn J