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1st June









Maths –

Using number facts to check calculations

Complete pages 4 - 7 in the ‘Power Maths Year 2 Practice Book Summer Home Edition’.


(If you have book one, complete the first section then each day complete the next couple of pages)


Maths –

Comparing number sentences

Complete pages 8 - 11 in the ‘Power Maths Year 2 Practice Book Summer Home Edition’.






Maths –

Finding related facts

Complete pages 12 - 15 in the ‘Power Maths Year 2 Practice Book Summer Home Edition’.






Maths –

Adding and subtracting 1s

Complete pages 16 - 19 in the ‘Power Maths Year 2 Practice Book Summer Home Edition’.



Maths –

Adding and subtracting 10s

Complete pages 20 - 23 in the ‘Power Maths Year 2 Practice Book Summer Home Edition’.



English -Comprehension

Unit 5 – Significant and classic poetry


Look at Treasure House (Collins Connect).


English – Punctuation

Unit 2 – Apostrophes for omission


Look at Treasure House (Collins Connect).


English –

Practise what you learnt yesterday.

In your books write a minimum of 5 sentences which use apostrophes for omission.




English – Spelling – Homophones and near homophones

Look at the PowerPoint.


Play the ‘Matching Pairs’ game.






English –

Commotion in the Ocean

 Look at the attached PowerPoint of the book or watch the short video




Choose your favourite sea creature to research and then write a fact file.


Seas around the UK.


Open Google Earth. Navigate to the UK, hovering well above it so that you can see the British Isles entirely surrounded by sea. Explain that although all the seas join up into one great body of water, each sea has its own distinct name, a bit like places on land.


Look at the attached map and then have a go at labelling the UK map.





The Environment –Energy


Look at the PowerPoint.


Complete the ‘Renewable Energy’ activity on Purple Mash 2Dos


Write about the different types of energy and the benefits of renewable energy.







What is mitzvah and why is it important to Jewish people?


Watch this short video




Explain that Mitzvah means good deed or action; it also refers to a command or required action for a Jewish person. The Torah contains 613 commands or mitzvot given by God to the Jewish nation, including the ‘Ten Commandments’. Studying and performing the mitzvot binds the Jewish community together, and links them to God, the one who has given the commands, creating a sense of belonging.


Write about the good deeds that you do at home.


Transum Logo–

Use simple computer

programming language to control a ‘Turtle’.


Look at this website.




Have a go at completing Level 2.


Sea creature print


Create your own sea creature print.


 You could use a potato to make a sea creature stamp or you could put some paint onto foil or cling film and draw a sea creature into the paint before placing a piece of paper on the top of it.